Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy List #1

First off, happy November everyone! Where has this year gone?! Not that I'm complaining since I'm always looking forward to what the new year has to offer but I can't help but notice how quick these past couple months of gone for me. I'm sure most of us can agree, these final two months of 2013 will fly by even faster!

Next, I was catching up on reading some of my favorite blogs the other day when I came across Denysia's happy list which is part of's blog link-up. I thought this was an awesome idea and it got me thinking about the things in my life that make me happy so I figured I would join in and share my happy list with the rest of you! If you haven't already, check out those amazing blogs!

1. Hiking or going to the beach with my puppy.
2. A freshly brewed cup of coffee...with creamer.
3. Driving around aimlessly with the windows down and John Mayer playing in the background.
4. Reading a good book. (Currently reading 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. If you're looking a good book, check this one out!)
5. Walking into Starbucks in the morning and not having to stand in line.
6. Clothes that don't fit because they're too big.
7.  Red velvet cupcakes.
8.  Dinner with good company.
9. Witty comments.
10. Finally getting a new camera! well, I have one already but I lost my favorite one when I moved. I'm getting my new one this weekend. YAY!

What are some things that make you happy? Tell me in a comment down below:)

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