Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tucker Takes Over

HI, the name's Tuck and I'm takin' over my mom's blog today!  We went out on our usual morning walk so I could take care of business. It was really weird though because it was cold out and mom put a sweater on me. I was confused and embarrassed because mom never puts clothes on me. In fact, I remember her saying she would never put me in a sweater so what the bone, mom?!? OH and not only was it a sweater but it was a sweater with a hood that has antlers on it. I chew on antlers not wear them, but thanks for tryin' mom! Don't be surprised if it mysteriously goes missing, I promise it won't be because of me. Or will it? Anywho, we got back home and mom fed me my delicious breakfast and I kept moshing on her laptop while she was trying to type out her thoughts for today until she finally gave in and let me take over.  Muahahaha my plan worked!! I always get away with things like that because I've got my mom wrapped around my paws. Well, depending on what it is I can get away with most things if I shoot her this look and it almost always works like a charm:

Welp, I gotta get ready for a hike to chase some rabbits and birds. Thanks for reading my sweater rant! Would any of you put your dogs in clothes?! 

This was fun. Catch ya later!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lovely,

    Just letting you know I nominated you for the Liebster Award!

